Initial Visit Process
Getting Started
Initial visit procedures are provided below
California Public and Charter Schools
Pacific Islands Schools
Private and Religious Schools
Non-profit, non-degree granting Adult Schools and ROCPs
International Schools
Supplementary Education Centers/Programs

Initial Visit School Report
California, Hawaii, and Pacific Islands Schools
The Initial Visit School Report template will be provided once it is determined that a school or program may be eligible for affiliation with ACS WASC; this form is NOT available on the ACS WASC website, it will be available in the School Portal.
On receipt of the forms and approval to proceed, ACS WASC will arrange for a two-member, one- or two-day initial visit to the school. Following the visit, the visiting committee will prepare a report to present to ACS WASC for action. This report will include recommendations regarding the school’s ongoing improvement.
Initial Visit and Notification
The school will be notified of the Commission’s action. If the Commission’s action is favorable, the school will be granted either initial accreditation or candidacy for a period of time not to exceed three years. The Initial Visit Procedures details the distinction between initial and candidacy status which is based on the degree to which the school is meeting the ACS WASC criteria.